Friday, March 2, 2012

Crossing the equator!

I have learned that it is incredibly important for sailors to sail across the equator and turn from scallywags to shellbacks in a magical ceremony for Neptune. In light of tradition, sailors are supposed to get down to their birthday suits and all jump into the water naked, swim under the keel and then climb the mast! Seeing as we are on a boat with Ed and George, we skipped the naked side of things but celebrated crossing the equator and Neptune with a magical ceremony.

Fritz was with our crew at the time and was already dawned a shellback from previously sailing across the equator so he gallantly stood in as Neptune for our ceremony. All of us prepared to cross the equator with gifts of sacrifice for the real Neptune that we would toss into the sea at the equator. For myself, I drew a pin-up drawing of a mermaid (hoping this would inspire Neptune to give us a few nice gusts of wind) and threw a heart shaped rock in that I had bought for my Momma (not sure she will have the chance, or desire, to sail across the equator so wanted to do something for her). There were also poems composed and recited for Neptune.

We did follow tradition in all jumping into the water and swimming under the boat, although I didn't quite make it under the keel. I still haven't become completely comfortable jumping into the wide open ocean, but with everyone in the water and at the equator it felt great! Once we were all back on the boat, we wrote our names, position at the equator, and a little note into a bottle and tossed it overboard. Will be interesting to see if that bottle turns up and how far we are from the equator at that point ;)

All in all, it actually was a pretty special ceremony being adorned as a scallywag and celebrating Neptune at the equator! I am really starting to like all these sailing traditions. In light of tradition I think this means I am supposed to pierce myself with a gold earring . . . I wonder if a nose ring could count ;)

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