Sunday, February 5, 2012


I am finding out very quickly that the sailing world is made up of very interesting people! Yesterday, serenaded by speedo saxophone man, today enthralled with German metal worker who welds off of his entirely red steel boat with his cat. I swear, I sat watching him for hours. Creepy? Yes. But very interesting! I have attached a photo for all of your enjoyment, although you can't quite grasp how interesting the scene actually is from the photo. Especially since my paparazzi shot of him getting in the dingy is actually not that exciting ;) But notice the beard, pretty impressive!

Aside from creeping on our neighbors, I had a great full day in Panama! From here on out we will be on small islands for months so we tried to get a few last minute provisions on main land while we can. This was interesting ;) We ended up going to a farmers market for our fresh fruits and veggies, which turned out to not be very fruitful, ha. Apparently the main road from the main farm lands to Panama City is closed this week, so most of the stands were empty, but we still had a lot of fun joking with the sellers (mostly them making fun of us) and trying to get deals on strange fruit. Will be interesting to see what we end up eating on this passage over to the Galapagos, I think a lot of bread and nutella will be involved ;)

Heading out tomorrow morning for the Pearl Islands where we will spend a couple days with the World Arc fleet before heading out on a longer passage to the Galapagos! Can't wait to see those huge tortugas of the Galapagos! Not sure how easy it will be to communicate on the islands, but I will update as much as possible! Please be sure to send me updates as well, looking forward to hearing about home ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think i accidentally deleted my post somehow so I'm writing it again...

    Happy & safe travels! I love hearing your voice through your blog and reading about your adventures. Keep it updated so I can live vicariously through you. I hope our paths will cross again soon.
