Thursday, February 9, 2012

Passage from Panama City to Pearl Islands

Composed Feb 7th. 
Well, had my first day of sailing since our shake down and it was great! 

We left Panama City around noon with warm breezes and fair seas, even got the kite like sail (spinnaker) up and flying! There were flocks of yellow headed pelicans wishing us well on our way to Pearl Islands. Had a 6 hour BEAUTIFUL sail without even a minute of being seasick! Soft winds and smooth water! Saw our first shark, we think! Although Mom don't worry too much, it could have been a massive manta ray! On our approach to Pearl Islands, we had a seagull friend land on our bow and take us all the way into the islands, with mantas jumping and somersaulting in front of the boat! 

Once we anchored outside of Contadora Island with the World Arc fleet surrounding us, Kelsey and I jumped in for a celebratory swim! So refreshing for the first minute and then we quickly realized that our entire bodies were stinging. While swimming as fast as possible back to the boat while yelping, it was very clear that the water is FULL of tiny jellyfish! My body is slightly overwhelmed with red welts from the obnoxious tiny jellies. As beautiful as it is, not sure I will be swimming in that water again :-/ 

Had a beautiful night anchored off shore of Contador Island of the Pearl Isands! Looked like we were surrounded by beautiful stars bobbing all around us from the other fleet boats. Shared a nice meal up on the top deck in the moonlight with our crew and then dingyed over to another World Arc boat of Spanish fellas that Kelsey had met in Panama. Turned out to be a night very reminiscent of my days in Europe, staying up late with a glass of whiskey, laughing over spanish phrases and a game of Left Right Center ;) 

Heading out to a rendezvous with the entire fleet this evening! Starting to really feel like we are a part of the World Arc Rally now. A bit bizarre travelling this way, just such a new world for me, but all the polo shirts are worth it in exchange for the beautiful nights on the boat, surrounded by bright stars and shimmering moonlight. 

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